Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Once I recovered from my time in Guatemala and had adjusted back to life in the States, I decided it was time to go hunting. For me, that means hunting for unique finds and vintage treasures. Hubby and I decided to check out a local flea market that boasts as being one of the largest in the Southeast. Although I found nothing on my list, hubby and I still had a great time exploring the rows and rows of booths. And we stocked up on fresh local produce, which always makes us happy and excited to get home and start cooking.

What do you like to hunt?

3 confessions:

Same Sweet Girl: Memoir of a Southern Belle said...

Awww I just love flea markets!! I haven't been in FOREVER but I used to go when I was younger just to get the different colored threads to make friendship bracelets. :) Oh the memories...

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

Which one did you go to??

Sommer said...

i enjoy a nice thrift store...i've been known to peruse salvation army from time to time in search of some antique glass that someone thought was worth giving away.

p.s. i'll be back on facebook soon! in my bible study group we all picked something to give up for a month and i picked the facebook. hubby picked sweets, bless his soul.